some of ya’ll are really, really fucking lame. keyboard fuck boys aint doing shit to help anyone.
some of ya’ll are really, really fucking lame. keyboard fuck boys aint doing shit to help anyone.
if you stay away from the forums it’d make it even more obvious you were gone
would it help if he personally came to your house, sucked your cock, and then went rambo over in hong kong and china for ya?
what’s confusing?
yay....more diablo.....
if it does, i’m glad it was left out of the article. completely irrelevant if the point is to showcase his talents.
you did the best you could, bra
if we severed the sunday school cycle, the type of people who use christianity to manipulate the masses for political gain would be much less capable in future generations
this is the problem with sunday school in general.
indeed. did you not read the article? this was how it ended...mentioning the application of camera to the new iteration. people sometimes.
someone got schooled by a completely legitimate strategy and isn’t taking it well.....
maybe give some screen space to Living Card Games. CCG’s are shitty.
1) get your parents to buy your cards
i’d be interested to see a reasoned reply to his snark. i mean, if you’re down in the internet-muck together, may as well hug it out.
football has many planes. one of them is the ground. the other is an endzone.
good thing you arent a player or official.
NoScript and Adblock, along with setting all sites to Mute by default.
why dont people just not come to the site? i dont understand the impulse to Change Other Things And People when everyone has the option to Simply Go Elsewhere.
Your assessment of this as a problem is the problem with American culture right here.
this guy gets it