
administrator in the Marines, after getting a paper cut: “Hey, you get a Purple Heart for that!” they get to walk off, and then i get to hang out with my buddy who actually has a purple heart and less body parts than I do.

sounds like me, minus the cushy job, think tank, right wing billionaires, and millions of dollars, the mansion. everything else though, just like me.

if you play the game with any amount of awareness there is no difficulty in following the action.  a lay person, absolutely.  but a player of the game?  pay more attention, in game (for your teammates’ sakes) and out (for yours).

thank you.

sounds like it was a very fortunate meeting if you actually converted someone.

you’re fucking stupid as shit.

that people would practice restraint where they work?

that’s your own damn problem.  lol.  fucking loser, get back to work.

years old at this point, and sempai is still a fucking loser.  lol. 

tiny, small hollow knight spoilers ahead, i would never ruin that game for someone:

Isn’t this game’s actual title “FINAL FANTASY VII/:REMAKE [ENCORE OF FATEXRD] Let Lust Take You?

the switch existing and me not being a broke POS was my deal breaker.

fat joe tried warning him.  seriously, in a sit down interview.

Tenchu! My first ever PlayStation game. God I loved that one.

a vegan playthrough of a video game...

this is a terrible take.  you are confusing complacency for fair play.

who knows, he may even have to live with the consequences of his actions.

this is the EXACT position I believe I will be in.  Good luck, friend!

so if you’ve never experienced something, it’s merely within the realm of possibility? i mean jesus christ, you are friends with an example of this concept, yet some random fucker on the internet who can’t spell ‘habit’ properly is all it takes to bring you around to this most simplistic and novel of concepts?

you’re just ignorant. TX is shorthand for transactions, all of this information is available to you because you have the internet. the most offputting thing here is your inability to properly source accurate trivia from THE WORLD’S MOST EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF KNOWLEDGE (i.e. the internet).