
if you simply say metroidvania without expounding upon its meaning and useage, and if the other person doesnt care enough to ask for clarity, then the entire endeavor was fucked from the start.

perspective is a major factor in gaming experiences. if it wasn’t, the term 1st Person wouldn’t be such a staple in the industry. Nor would 3rd person, or the term Isometric. Or concepts such as 2.5d.

Metroidvanias are CLEARLY sidescrollers. They are a subset of the action-adventure genre. Example: Legend of Zelda is

Any game where you get upgades that lets you access new areas is not a metroidvania.

it’s miserable and inefficient, five syllables in the mouth and rakish in the ear...”

your article is full of so many bullshit contradictions it’s pretty wild.

this guy gets it

i think the 2d part of it is essential.  imho metroidvania’s are subsets of adventure games that adhere to a particular design aesthetic, the 2d being a fundamental part of it.

I’d say no.

heckin buddha, you are an idiot.

200 IQ take right here folks.

thus he wasnt into

agreed. some of these people can’t live their own lives, and thus they can’t fathom someone else living theirs. I don’t see one character in media that used to be a drug addict, became a marine, then became an office manager while enjoying video games and smoking dabs and camping and walking his dogs. Oh noes, I’m not

I’m so happy that my will and sense of self is strong enough to rise above the bland character archetyping of video games. It’s a shame your life experience has been so thoroughly dictated by the content created by strangers. If a significant other had this type of impact on you, surely you’d leave them?

It’s a fuck

it’s so random she consistently stomped people......ok bud bud.....

sounds like you dont like it.  you still playing?  or are you just a grump faggot?

yet another reason i bailed on FF14 and Tera. If you’re not gonna take the game you made seriously, neither am I.

Double Jumps are PREMIUM GAME TECH.

pornography has always led the way in the media-tech landscape. this is nothing new. that industry has always been one of the earliest to adapt to and leverage new media.

Also, who stole what? Web streaming production is a viable and legitimate career. You act like people don’t change jobs, share trades and craft

parents should stop inflicting their kids on the rest of society

this is the only proper take in the comments.