
I’m going to be honest, whenever anyone gives me shit about abortion (including threatening to kill my children so I learn the value of life) I tell them the story of my great-grandmother, who was recently divorced and had been raped and impregnated by her married landlord. She had no other choice but a coat hanger

I love thinly disguised condescension and the veiled remarks to race, such as:

Chris Rock is very funny, but has a history of misogyny, homophobia, and flat-out racism. Guy made a movie called Good Hair, about how black hair is perceived as shitty, then wonders why Hollywood doesn’t want to cast more black roles. Then the buck-toothed fuck shits on little children. Rock, you made corny jokes

Yes, and having a black kid dance around a watermelon with a bucket of cluck in his hand is merely a joke to highlight the problems with agriculture in the South.

It was particularly tone deaf given that Rock’s entire act focused on the lack of diversity. It was also terribly unoriginal.

1. Do you think these people work 24/7?

Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.

The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.

The voters have chosen exactly what each slickly packaged general-election Republican candidate has winked and dog-whistled and hinted he secretly was in my whole entire goddamn lifetime. They’ve chosen what apparatchiks like William Kristol have spent the past 25 years pretending Ronald Reagan wasn’t.

Jesus. Why are there so many fucking scumbags abusing children and women? For real, this is nuts. I was having a conversation with a bunch of men at my office and they were talking about crazy women making false rape allegations. I advised that false allegations are rare and that the vast majority of rape victims have

Lol!! I was hoping Leo would have lost again, not just because I think Eddie Redmayne should have won (even though he won last year) but because I wanted to laugh at Leo losing again. He bugs me so much, I had to do my best to restrain myself from commenting on FB friends posts about how happy they were that he won.

EXACTLY. Like, I actively root against him ALWAYS. I am disappointed when good things happen to him. I kind of want to pollute just to spite HIM. It can't be healthy.

Also, he can stop trolling people by telling interviewers in pre-Oscar interviews that he was thinking about wanting kids. You know he pulled that family shit just to rack up more votes.


Well, his life better be in shambles. He’s a rapist. He gets zero sympathy from me.

Poor, poor rapist/athlete. :-(

Biology professor: “The wide diversity of similar species on the Galapagos islands can be explained by evolutiona—” <metallic clicks from around the lecture hall> “— by, uh, Jesus, of course!” <hammers are quietly lowered and rounds unchambered>

Does anyone describe herself as a “thick Latin woman with lots to hold onto?” I think not. “Latin woman?” Is she from ancient Rome? “thick with lots to hold onto?” A full-figured woman would probably describe her body differently. I think either the blogger made this up or her husband did.

Made up, or at least seriously inflated. Sultry Latina homewrecker: check. Salacious text conveniently sent to boss instead of bestie (come on, really?): check. Her husband publicly demonstrating his love & fidelity by promptly firing the nanny: check.

That’s because by and large, most women do not need a pill. We just need to change our culture and many male attitudes, which do not privilege, or possess any basic curiosity in female pleasure, as evidenced in most pornography (heteronormative focus here).