
He qualifies by the Matt Damon rule.

I’m just glad white and black people could finally come together over mocking Asian people.

I’m sure the 2016 Oscars will FINALLY force the Catholic Church to change their ways, it has to be the biggest thing that has ever happed to them in their brief 2000 year history. It definitely won’t be forgotten about by weeks end.

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

The Weeknd low-key dying was the best part of this.

Marc Jacobs made a top model out of Kendall Jenner. Her modeling debut was at the Marc Jacobs show. Jacobs is a behind the scene puppet master. He controls Kanye West and Miley Cyrus as well. Read the truth about him and Kendall here.

Finally we can give Republican men the ability to carry out their dreams of carrying all the fetuses to term. I can’t wait! I want this to be a requirement for every man who is anti-abortion.

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!

Well, we know he swallows...

“He’s still the only person who really knows the truth about things. And I’m still the only person that knows some of his truths.”

Is there a reason why the guy with the problem isn’t moving? If he has an issue, he should move, right?

My pelvis throne is self-cleaning!

This is insane. I feel like....I worry that my head will explode. Good news this is my view from my hotel right now!

I feel so bad for the people who believe in God and carry guilt for not following archaic ideas of religion. Religion should be uplifting and positive, my heart breaks for everyone that puts themselves down because of strict religious interpretation.

Banning abortion, it’s about women’s health! It’s about protecting women! Sure, many women who can’t get abortions will die either by self inflicted home made abortion attempts or complications from birth due to the poverty many are in, but it’s TOTALLY about women’s health, not pushing ones belief system on others.