
Elevators are not airtight, so I doubt that you can run out of oxygen.

I’m also excited for The Catch.

Something does not come from nothing.

When you say “you guys” who, specifically, are you talking to? Asians? Black people? POC in general?

If they were both technologically advanced and violent wouldn’t they just kill each other off with their advanced weapons in a mutual destruction kinda of scenario?

Now that DiCaprio has won his goddamn Oscar, can we stop talking about him, please? Kinda tired of seeing his stupid face everywhere.


Are you saying that artists do no make money off the songs they sell? I’m pretty sure Lady Gaga made quite a lot off “Till it happens to you”.

Since when is Robot any kind of pronoun ?

“So in many ways robots really are like us.”

It would be nice if they donated the money they make off sexual assault songs to rape crises centers or something similar.

Control of the town was turned over to single women for the day. The temporary “mayoress” suggested “outlawing corncob pipes, denying citizenship to baldheads, putting lipstick in cabs.”

You misunderstood me.

“Period” is not a scientific term...

When you say South East do you mean South East Asia or South Asia? I don’t think that honor killings are culturally common in South East Asia...Unless I’m wrong of course.

Not to pry into your personal life, but...did the first guy randomly proclaim that he’s a feminist (?) on the first date? Isn’t that a bit of a...red flag?

And how do you explain this?

Trump is a Reptilian. You better wake up.

Isn’t this what Kim and Kanye did for Saint West? I did not see many people get upset over their case for some reason.

“Don’t you ever open your legs on some man’s shoulders,” she snapped. “Keep your legs shut, I don’t care if it’s family or not.”