
I didn’t

I have a fantasy where science develops the means for men to get pregnant, and someone goes around implanting fetuses into all these anti-abortion men and they are forced to carry them to term.

Demi’s not wrong either though.

The whole idea of “tips” that can help save your marriage is kind of fucked up. No tip can save a bad marriage, and no good marriage requires tips to save it.

Wow, Kanye posts on Jezebel!

For those of us under the impression that the actual people who failed Kesha were her abuser, her record label, a corrupt judicial system that values corporate interests over personal safety—we were wrong! The real people at fault? Feminists!

“They’re all lying for attention” is an allegation without evidence, but that one didn’t seem to ruffle your fedora much.

Good on you for trying, but I doubt you’re going to have any luck using reason or reality. This charming gentlemen is pretty clearly far too invested in his belief that are men are the real victims of sexual harassment because the poor things sometimes get criticized when they do it.

“if you criticize the woman at the business meeting for her inappropriate skin-tight tube dress, you will be called a ‘slut shamer’”

When I hear it, the tone used with “Damn. Thank you” usually means “You damned stuck-up bitch. You should be grateful that I’m paying any attention to you. The proper response from you is a ‘Thank you’ to me.” And that’s why I walk through my city with sunglasses and headphones destroying my hearing: so I can at least

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

i hope Leo will loose

this may be an unpopular opinion but the revenant was terrible and leo does not deserve an oscar for it

I’m sure a tweet from Taylor would solve all of Kesha’s problems.

Please. For the love of all that is holy. Do not write a book about your love. No one cares about your love. Own the fact that you write porn. There’s no shame. Just own it.

...why do you have this picture?