
This is the type of bullshit that happens when politics forces the hands of scientists (see also: NOAA’s climate change studies being investigated and blocked by Senators Inhofe, Smith and co.).

It’s one thing for an agency to provide data upon request. It’s quite another to be listed as a ‘co-author’ on a deeply flawed and highly political report

I feel bad for this guy who is being forced to retire because he uncovered the flaws in the system. I feel bad for the women in Texas (and other places) who don’t have access to the health care they need.

Uggghhh. These fucking monsters. They’re active enemies of women, active enemies of science, and active enemies of good governance, all at the same time. Throw in the fact that their hateful idiocy disproportionally impacts ethnic minorities and the economically disadvantaged, and you have to wonder why they don’t

Just wait a second. I’m sure they’ll tell you.

I love Rose McGowan. That is all.


She is pregnant with Leo’s baby

The rapid Catholic takeover of secular hospitals scares me almost more than some of the anti-abortion bills being introduced in this legislative session. It needs to stop now, or at least they need to fully abide by widely-agreed-upon medical doctrines and not their religious doctrine.

rip to the days when we could just bury the women and their dead babies in the well behind the convent without anyone knowing about it

Doctors decided they would delay until the woman showed signs of sepsis.

It is killing one person to save another. It is what the mafia does.

No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.

But, you know, they’re the logical and rational ones and it’s us women who are ruled by our emotions.

It’s like just because they can’t have sex we shouldn’t either

“Contraceptives are not a solution.”

Still important to highlight it in the face of the specific instances of cruelty that it causes.

This isn’t about their son. This about his feelings of control. Waah waah, I’m a giant baby and this woman won’t let me control her life!

Bernie Sanders has a plan to outlaw all period pain if you dum bitchez would just LISTEN!!11!