Will work even exist in 118 years? Last week, on a multitude of news sources, I was bombarded with the projections that just in 10-20 years 50% of jobs will be done by robots :/
Will work even exist in 118 years? Last week, on a multitude of news sources, I was bombarded with the projections that just in 10-20 years 50% of jobs will be done by robots :/
while occupying, settling, slaving and extorting their violent and expansionist conquests hundreds of years ago,
Are the two really related?
Of course you do. You don’t seem like the type to bother with books that might challenge your belief in white exceptionalism.
You should read up on the Islamic Golden Age too it seems.
I recommend you read up on the Islamic Golden Age.
Just stop using the word gender“queer”? Can’t they come up with another term for their special-snowflakeness?
You sure about that? She’s a Republican activist. Probably anti-choice and anti-gay marriage.
How can non-gay people reclaim a word that is derogatory towards gay people?
That makes you both idiots. I hope that the child in your situation is hypothetical and that you’re not really a parent.
I don’t.
I’m not a troll. People can have opinions that differ from yours and not be trolls.
Are the people saying queer in this case gay? Black people can each other the n-word all the time. Doesn’t mean that non-black people should do it too.
Are you a homosexual or a bisexual person?
Also, to continue this dumb game with you, that says “sometimes offensive.” The implication is “sometimes not offensive.” So if I said “queer is not a slur” I’d be just as correct as you when you said “queer is a slur.”
So you think that people who are not gay can say “queer”?
As long as you’ll be here, I’ll be here. I got your back bud. Best buds stick together.
1a : worthless, counterfeit <queer money>b : questionable, suspicious
Sure you are. We’re bosom buddies.