Voice of C. Montgomery Burns

I will reciprocate “spirited driving” (YMMV) with a lot of cars. It just happens that a lot of them these days end up being Mustang GTs.

No, it isn’t.

No, because I, like most $3m car owners, don’t take it to the track.

According to Forbes, there are ~1,800 billionaires in the world, there’s more of a market than you think.

Ah, engine reliability, the primary concern of the $3,000,000 hypercar buyer.

So, it’s a Corvette with a weird roof and a supercharger.

You’re doing a good job of trying to divide the country with your insipid remarks as it is. Why would we try?

You’re going to kill someone soon, aren’t you?

Ah, your own stupid thread.

aka you’re a troll.

My mother is 56 now and shit like this scares me a lot.

Respect to the guy for his dedication. I would have just traded the car in.

Nope. You can be a troll without stating the complete opposite.

Troll, troll, troll. Always wants the last word.

So, it’s not news, but it’s not “fake news” but it’s stupid.

I’m not guessing that you’re a moron who couldn’t be bothered to read a short article before shouting “fake news”.

It sounds sexy, it looks ... well, different. I’ll give you that.

You know, it’s weird cultish shit like this that makes it hard to justifying buying your first 911.

Now now, I’m not a fan of this lackluster concept, but it looks better than a modern Maserati. Let’s give it that.

The subject of this article makes watching Silicon Valley seem entertaining.