
My top three suspects are 1) Polly, 2) Nana Rose, 3) Jughead's dad. It's also totally possible to be a character we haven't met yet.

Sami Zayn plays his "best friend" a red arctic fox.

Yeah I'm not fully sold on the actor either. I kind of wish they had held off on Reggie until season 2, because it doesn't look like this version will ever be anything more than a background character.

On the whole they weren't as good, however the skit in Devil Doll where Crow has Mike locked in a cage and taunts him about all the luncheon meats he can't eat is the funniest host segment they ever did.

Bill has joked that in those first few episodes it appears that Crow has had a stroke. He is also clearly trying to do a Trace impression which he mostly drops later on.

More likely scenario, it ends in a Miz/Maryse vow renewal ceremony.

I love the Philadelphia Story, but its one weakness is we never really see Dexter at his drunken abusive worst, we only ever see him when he sobers up and becomes Cary Grant. So we naturally want to see Tracy get back together with him (he's Cary Grant! He's the most charming man in the world!) and all the very valid

What's a diorama?

There is a lot of gunpowder on that show.

Recent years haven proven that niche website aren't very viable financially. Providing a large range of pop cultural content to people with varying tastes is the best way to go.

Of course he is going to get to 17, that is the story. It will probably take him until next year's WrestleMania, but it is going to happen. And I'm fine with it, Cena has been wrestling his ass off for the last two years and if told properly could be compelling. (I know that last point is a pretty big assumption

Here's the thing though, Bob Kraft will be blitzed out of his mind and will try to make some kind of backed handed compliment that makes absolutely no sense and embarrasses/delights everyone.

Agreed, the Silent Realm nearly broke the game for me, even more than the spotty motion controls on the sword.

Oh man, I totally missed the Minerva/Bubblegum parallels! That's awesome, but it would probably be better for Finn if he didn't explore the Freudian aspect of it all too much.

"Well he used to be kind of handsome in a scoundrelly way. That kind of thing can get you far in a repressive society like ours."

Yeah, while the movie itself was pretty terrible, the idea that Alf just Hogan Heroes his way through Area 51 is a great concept and ending for him.

I've heard it used in casual conversation by people of Latin descent many times, and while it did strike my ear as odd the first time (because, obviously, it was a word I had never heard before) it seems perfectly natural now. It is pronounced Lateen-ecks.

Ugh, I had not heard that prediction. As much as I am enjoying old man Goldberg just dominating Brock, I'm not really feeling a title run for him. Especially since the end game would then be the title back on Brock.

He's Otis from the Superman movies.

Jericho vs Owens seems likely, though whether it is for the Universal or US title is TBD.