
I'll fan wank this: Foley felt bad about Strowman costing Roman the Universal Title and offered him a spot in the Rumble. Why was there an open Rumble spot you ask? Uhhhh good question. Maybe the Honky Tonk Man missed his flight.

There is another giant PPV for him to show up at in two weeks in they want Joe at Mania. Or he can be one of the post WrestleMania call ups.

It feels like they were planning to build to a TM61 feud at Takeover Dallas, but that is all out the window now that Shane Thorne is hurt. I guess they can have a quick goodbye program with the Revival where the fans can cheer for the best tag team in the world, and then do a DIY rematch after that.

Signs were pointing to a Roman/HHH WrestleMania match, so I was assuming either Roman would retain or Hunter would be #30.

Chris Jericho as Crais.

I liked the parts in the fourth season with Seth Rogen and Kristen Wiig as a young George and Lucille, so I could see it turning out ok with occasional flashbacks like that. Whole episodes and plots might be too much.

I'm expecting them to offer discounts on games you own on other devices, I believe they did something similar between Wii and Wii U. So maybe you only pay $3 for Super Mario 3 instead of $5.

I cannot fully explain it, but it's Pavlovian. I hear the little "Blop!" that let's me know I've unlocked an achievement and it triggers a happy feeling in my brain. It is pointless, but also, I NEED IT.

" "Imagine if the teams here were actually consistently bad?" "

I think the only time I ever successfully killed a Metal Slime was with Torneko in my party in DQ IV. You have to have all your heavy hitters defend and try to lure it into attacking you. Even then you need a critical hit from your weakest fighter, and it could still flee at any moment.

The Steph/Foley situation - The only thing I can think of is that this could be used as a way to bring in Noelle. Steph starts yelling at him again in ring one night and Noelle (star of Holy Foley! Only on the WWE Network!) jumps the barricade and lays her out. Alternately they could bring Rousey in again to defend

The proposed tour is very unlikely to happen, but I bet we still get a season 4, even if it ends up being truncated and with half the roster missing. (Puma is almost certainly showing up in NXT before 2017 is over. Rumor is King Cuerno is already signed and just waiting for LU season 3 to end before he can debut.)

Presumably you would need to use the Silver Surfer as a secondary antagonist, and probably a bunch of other heralds as well so that Surfer can make his third act face turn and join the Avengers.

That makes sense and sort of lines up with what happens in the Winter Soldier comic. I believe Hugo Weaving was unhappy with the first Captain America, so they would need to recast if they ever brought the character back.

There was a story just a few weeks ago that the nerd lawyers for Fox and Marvel swapped the rights to Ego the Living Planet (who was with FF for some reason) so that Deadpool could alter the powers of Nega Sonic Teenage Warhead.

When I was little I didn't like mashed potatoes and my Aunt or Grandmother would make boiled potatoes just for me. They continued to do this for twenty years, even after I told them multiple times that it wasn't necessary and I would really prefer to have mashed potatoes now.

The Oracle games tried to steer you to into getting Moosh or the Kangaroo as your permanent buddy (depending on which game you play first), but Dimitri the Dodongo was the real winner of the three. He could swim up water falls AND eat enemies. I ended up with him by accident on my first play through and he remains my

Yeah this is what I think after last night's episode too. Present day Dolores is reliving her memory of her time with William and retracing her steps, so the events we are seeing are happening both now AND in the past.

Ugh, Whovian, stop making Pats fans look bad.

I just went with RDJ because he replaced Gambon in The Singing Detective, and since we are already getting Depp, I could easily see Warner Bros trying for another big name.