
I'd argue those two concepts are so intertwined in our society that parsing their differences is pointless.

Castlevania also struggled to make the transition before deciding to just go back to making 2D games on handhelds for another ten years. Sonic's trouble does also coincide with Sega's move to becoming a software only developer, and I'd argue those first two Dreamcast Sonic's were fun, it was just everything that came

It looks pretty broken, but I am one of those gamers who never uses voice chat for anything, so I think Nintendo might be catering directly to me? They shouldn't though, they've already got my money(sigh, they'll always have my money). They should try doing something for the other 90% of video game players of the

There is nothing wrong with inter-gender matches, they are done successfully on the Indys and Lucha Underground all the time. However I don't really trust the current WWE booking to not make it a shit-show, as evidenced by everything else they do.

Nobody ever listens to the third LP. I honestly forgot it even existed.

I haven't looked into it, but I'd be shocked if Luigi isn't playable at some point in the game.

Sure, but Red is fictional and Lynch is his author. The only reason Red uses him as a prop is because Lynch/Frost decided that. In story explanations are fine but don't always excuse the real world reasoning behind it. If the rest of the series were more diverse overall them the "Suge-Knight-esque" enforcer could be

There was sitcom in the early 90s called Baby Talk (A Look Who's Talking ripoff) that had an almost 100% cast turnover as well as several set redesigns.

Yes. It leads to the most satisfying sidequest in the game.

That's what I ended up doing as well.

I've seen a few in Rhode Island and Maine, but yeah, mostly just MA. I probably should have said New England, rather than Northeast, but I thought they might have expanded into NY/NJ area.

Papa Gino's(not Papa John's, that name stealing hack) is the only franchise pizza I eat with any regularity, but I don't think the they are located outside the Northeast.

The Pebble!

Homeland is popular?

"I'm a massive fan of everything the company makes."

I came back from one, only to be run over by a charging boar. Stop daydreaming in dangerous environments Link!

This could be it, as the only time I have had any issues with the left joycon is when I brought it over my friend's home to show it off.

YMMV on the controller issue, I find the Joycons work just fine in both it's dock and attached to the sides, but opinions do appear pretty evenly split on this.

Loaded is a better album.

Right, they are hoping to get an actual match, but we might end up with a "confrontation" with a few haymakers if Rollins isn't fully cleared.