
Can Pilot come back to review this? I feel her Dog with a Blog expertise would come in handy.

When I did finally see Citizen Kane, I thought to myself "Welles is good, but he is no Montana Max."

"Should we shoot them?"

They allowed David Arquette to win one of the most prestigious title in wrestling just to promote a movie that lasted maybe a week in theaters.

Why don't you work around the clock? I ALREADY WORK AROUND THE CLOCK!

Well God was able to transport Kara because she was
dead/an angel/the first human-cylon hybrid/all of the above. I was right with you with the disappointment at least initially and have avoided going back and revisiting it for that very reason. I am able to appreciate it a little more now that six(!) years

More like he was Black Tony, as he was always portrayed as a steady number two, and not a poorly thought out "New Jack" like Chase, Rick Schroeder and Freddie Prinze were.

They might be afraid of people noticing that the NXT Woman's Championship is superior to the Diva Title in almost everyway, and they don't appear interested in telling that story. We are basically treading water until Night of Champions, but I think up until this point it has proven useful since it is pretty much an

Bender: Y'know, sometimes I wish your real parents were still alive. Not often, though.

2 is very skippable, it's like John Woo directing a bad John Woo American knockoff. 3, however, is pretty good and worth watching for Phillip Seymour Hoffman's performance alone.

Speed Racer is Mario Kart: The Movie, and I love it dearly for that. Something about the hyperactive colors just makes my brain happy. I get that the effects don't work for some people, but I think I could watch that move everyday and never get sick of it.

Yep, this is pretty much it. Haven't been keeping track of how long Nikki is at now, will she have passed AJ by Night of Champions?

Kandi by One Eskimo?

Ross supposedly had conversations with the producers about calling some matches this season, but those plans fell apart for some reason. Personally I prefer they just keep Vamp on commentary and have him heel it up.

I don't enjoy the actual Marmaduke strip, but for some reason I find references to it hilarious. My favorite being the time the Dad on Daria puts down his morning paper and angrily asks "Why don't they just put Marmaduke to sleep?"

I had assumed that was a new young Dragon Azteca, and he was lighting the Rey Mysterio bat signal so he'd show up and help.

The Mexico storyline seemed hamstrung from the start, given the fact that Blue Demon is well over fifty and wrestles like it, and it is dependent on a lot of wrestling history that wasn't explained very well. Chavo getting legit hurt and being unable to be part of this match officially only hurt it more. Now that

Yes! I love that too. Stryker is always surprised by returns and alliance changes that occur in the ring, even though we just watched a 90 second vignette in Dario Cueto's office setting it up. WWE tries to pull the same type of thing by having HHH and Stephanie plotting in back, but the fact that everything is shown

How do we fix Vampiro? We just did. Ian Hodgkinson was beaten and broken until Emperor Vampatine was able to re-emerge. This is why there has to be a season two. Do he and Pentagon align with Mil Muertes against the Technicos? Or does Vamp send his pupil to face Mil for some demon vs demon action?

Exactly, it would be like if they kept the Smoking Skull Belt after Austin lost it. That's fine if you want to run a story with the person who beat him, but after a month you need to bring back the real thing.