
It's ugly as sin, but it is still so much better than the spinner belt we had for the past ten years, that we don't want to complain too much.

I liked the slight smile he gave at Francis announcing he was becoming A Great Red Dragon. It reminded me of the scene in the Dark Knight where Two Face has a gun to the Joker's head and comes up with the coin flip motif to decide his fate.

All his lines, particularly the ones in flashback before he leaves his post, just naturally fit BLESSED'S cadence in my mind when I was reading, so finding out he was the inspiration was more of a confirmation than a surprise.

I guess that will be considered beneficial cross promotion, and I expect plenty of "Watch Arrow, airing Wednesday at eight, only on the CW Maggle!"

Having a move called the Red Arrow is one thing. Having a wrestler with a superhero gimmick call himself the Red Arrow is another.

Warner Bros would probably not look kindly on that trademark infringement.

I finished the game last night (save for about half the Riddler trophies and the Azrael sidequest) and I am left with mixed feelings as well. The fact that several major female characters were fridged for no reason was giving me an uneasy feeling throughout, and I was relieved when

We can all agree that the one about his Dad and the science fair is utterly mediocre though, right?

Loooove Dr. Hurt in all his Darkseid/Devil/Wayne ancestor glory.

I've been assuming that like everything else on the Network it will be available on demand as soon as the event begins to air. So while I have no plans on waking up at 6:30 AM to watch it, I'll probably turn it on whenever I do get up that day.

I could see Sami Zayn organically stepping into the role of top babyface that Bryan was able to create for himself, although it will take a year to eighteen months to establish him on the main roster. There is no one right now to step into that top role, which is why the I tend to believe (and dread) the rumors of a

I've been waiting to see if she shows up on Lucha Underground to team with her cousin Chavo. The world always needs more Guerreros.

When he first showed up he seemed like he was going to be your typical three episode arc love interest/roadblock for our lead characters. And then he just kept hanging around for the rest of the series.

I was a big fan of this show, especially the later seasons where they abandoned the pizza place and Irene became a regular character. Any show that can make Nomar Garciaparra a recurring character and actually capitalize on his anti-charisma is alright in my book.

I want nothing more than for Alexa Bliss to be an evil fairy, but she seems to have transitioned back into being a mean girl cheerleader.

So a member of the Crew (Bael? Mr Cisco? I can never keep the three of them straight) got killed off on Lucha Underground last night. Like there is no coming back from a cage monster eating your head. And this was just the post credit capper to another awesome Mil Muertes vs Fenix match.

For all you know.

I agree, the last line is maybe the only good thing in the last two novels. Except for maybe..

"A bear fell on me" - Road House

I think the more plausible scenerio is that we just devote a thread in these recaps to Lucha every week. I normally watch that live and then catch up on NXT the next day, but I switched it up because this week was the live special.