
Dillinger's gimmick went over so well at the Albany show that he essentially became a face two minutes into the match. If there is one thing a wrestling crowd loves, its a performer who presents them with a ready made chant, and shouting "Ten" while holding up ten fingers is pretty fun.

The show are usually put up by the next morning, even the Takeover events. The only downside is not being able to watch them live.

That was one of those lines that Dave would repeat over and over long after everyone else had forgotten the bit. I vividly remember one time he raised the "curtain" to reveal that both the chief guy and his car were both in the studio.

When I went to the NXT Albany show this weekend, Bayley got the loudest longest pop of the night. People were chanting her name before her music even started playing!

Just to be clear I am a Pats fan myself, and I brought up the banner because it irritates me for the very reasons you mention. Every time I go to a game and I notice it I just shake my head in embarassment. We'll probably have to wait for Kraft to pass away before we are rid of it though.

I mean you can if you want, but I can't imagine a single Pats fan that won't just shrug it off and say they won the Super Bowl anyway.

I think it's that before, the Avengers answered to Fury and SHIELD. Now Fury and his elite ops (who are admittedly just a smaller SHIELD like you said) answer to the Avengers with Steve as the top dog. It's a minor difference in the long run, but it probably appeases Cap so Fury is going along with it.

There is definitely a school of thought that believes the whole thing was an angle to give both Bret and the company heat as he walked out the door. Back in 1999 I might have agreed with you, but there was real legitimate animosty between the Hart family and WWF over Owen's death that makes me doubt it. At this point

I strongly disagree with this opinion, Tiger Millionaire is perfect.

2Fast is garbage, easily the worst directed, which is surprising because Singleton is a very good director normally.

Capt Lance: Queen! At Last! We see each other plain! The Arrow you'll wear a different chaaaaain!
Oliver: ….. I feel like this is a reference I should get.

Ms. Niedhart's decolletage are quite striking, but that should really go without saying in polite company such as ourselves.

Honestly, sticking him at the top of the midcard and giving him a prop is so much better than having to watch him in main event after main event. If Brandon Stroud's fantasy booking of Cena just becoming a mean old bastard who wrecks people and refuses to give up his spot ever comes to pass, I may even start to like

The worst thing that can happen to a wrestling crowd (or any sports crowd for that matter) is for them to realize they have stolen the show from the performers. That's when their chants go from cute to obnoxious. The same thing happens at Full Sail from time to time. I didn't hear the Cena/Bryan/Uso chants at the

I have a feeling we are losing Deadshot because he is about to appear on the big screen being portrayed by a capital A movie star. We'll see how much Suicide Squad we are allowed to have on the show in the future.