
Never underestimate a home-continent advantage.

Billy and Greg and the gang should dumb it down (for one post or two) for us noobies.

The guys on this site that watch it closely make my head spin when they talk about detailed tactics.* I'm still at the stage where I keep an eye on 'the stars' and pay attention to what they do.

Name calling?

Every once in a while I catch international volleyball on an obscure sports channel and I am fixated. That's the way I was about 20 years ago with the World Cup-a sport that I don't really understand as much as I'd like to being played by the very best.

"Of course you're right but not everyone is self-centered to that degree."

Of course you're right but not everyone is self-centered to that degree.

Twenty years from now, I will always "Damn right I remember" your comment.

"To be honest, you do tend to think the world revolves around you. I'm glad the bartender put you in your place."

"I didn't see one goal the entire game!" [stomps feet, mother wipes away angry tears]

Neymar attracts a crowd, doesn't he?

Francesa's soccer nickname would be "Caca".

"Does Mexico's goalie believe in God? Of course. More importantly, God believes in Mexico's goalie."

Because Vince Young would have overthrown the entire prison?

When the boys were younger (2 and 4) I convinced them that "Daddy's TV" only showed sports and if they wanted to watch cartoons they had to go to the "good TV" that got all the channels. Also, this may or may not be related-I, knowing that we were having hot dogs for supper one night, impaled some weiners on tree

Holy Bananas! How did Brazil not score on the free kick?

A buddy of mine did PR for a company that booked bands way back when. Apparently these guys included their love of Coke right there in their rider.