
I've always wondered; what is the point of these? I mean, the film titles always include the name of production company immediately afterwards. Are they just ego-maniacs? Is there such a thing as brand loyalty with production companies? And don't even get me started on how painful it is to see indie films with like

Not to mention they ripped off the set design of Ex Machina too…

What's with the mini trailer before the trailer that this and other trailers keep doing?

Well, don't need to see this movie now. Thanks for sharing every single plot point of the script.

Somebody watched Inception…

I got a bad feeling about this.

So basically, jawn is "shit."

We have an early contender for best animated film of the year award!

Yes, the cough is not a put on. Donnovan actually has a cold as they make a point of showing how cold his residence is and the loosing of the coat. Also, Rylance's character has a cold in the first half of the film. Not sure what it means, but I think Vishnevetsky is off on his theory. (sorry)

Was that Maggie's plan or Maggie's script complete with act breaks?

January 12th? The studio must have really low expectations for this one… :(

This f*cking sh*t is the f*cking same f*cking trailer as f*cking before.

… That, and a bag a money is central to every plot.

I guess that was tripping me up. I appreciate everyone's input and views. Apologize for for any ruffled feathers.

Honestly, I did not know. Sorry.

Whoops! Stepped in it. Sorry.


Psssh, BFD.

Right, that was 40 years ago. In Easy Riders, Raging Bulls Lucas explained that after THX was a bomb he had to make American Graffiti to pay the bills and then with the success of that film he could return to what he really always wanted to do, which was experimental films. Seriously, he says this like every two years

For 40 god damn years Lucas has been talking about how he wants to make experimental films…. Does anyone believe that?