
Well, I think QT can do violence as cool (stand-offs) and gross (razor meet ear). So, he has the ability to horror well if he so chooses.

I think it would work great as a horror film which he's been saying he wants to make.

Maybe he's possessed by the spirit of BOB.

Yeah, WTF.

I think they hire indie directors so that they can strong arm them. I mean, don't second units and CGI teams "direct" most of the these films?

The phrase "it's Apocalypse Now with apes!" must have been really popular in Hollywood last year.

I rate this comment three thumbs and a knuckle!

I give this news two and a half thumbs up!

Who is you?

Will there be a reveal that they are using again? Maybe coke?

Is this the first time that an action movie makes a detour to a well lit goth nightclub with cage dancers?

zack snyder syndrome: cramming a movie full of scenes that only look cool in teaser trailer format.

He's gone full JJ Abrams!

Funny, when I watch The Internship I think, why is the guy who wrote Rushmore in this movie? It really took me out of it. But hey, if it didn't detract from your enjoyment of that movie.

you be trippin'

Depending on who you talk to, PTA either had or is currently having a record setting run of masterpieces.

So excited! Though, we are living in a time of amazing trailers and mediocre movies.

Apecalypse Now!

Jesus, this really was a movie by committee.

Love The Leftovers parody.