
regarding your pessimistic doom theory of today's horror scene: I would argue that all zombie films can be lumped in with post apocalyptic films as they all take place in a world laid to waste or about to be so. Since 9/11 (28 days later) we seemed to be obsessed with the inevitable collapse of society and the world

What you should watch is The Nightmare on Netflix. Much scarier.

I thought showing how the sausage gets made is supposed to
turn people off of meat. Would they rather he just eat meat and not discuss how
it got on his plate?

Is this the bizaro version of We Are Your Friends?

Anyone notice that Rick never burped in this episode? You know that there is an alternative universe where everyone of those catch phrases had a belch embedded within them, amirite?

I'm sorry, but as a huge Neuromancer fan, I am glad that the "director of Cube and Splice" is no longer attached.

EDM is infantilizing our culture… amaright.

If this takes place in Victorian times… how can there be a creepy old Victorian house?