
You do realize the Yankees are the ones trying to not be nationally televised and you’re still mad at them, right?

Meanwhile, in Clearwater, Red Sox prospects are getting drunk and wondering whether or not the pussy is coming back to Boston.

Didn't Copeland and Granger almost just meet? Copeland came there this year and Granger was hurt most of the season..

Eat shit, haters. You all said big Yankees' prospects never pan out.


Sounds more like a man and dirty prostitute type of guy.

I never knew Christie Mack was a Seahawks fan.

I'm definitely not comparing the players, just those specific two games. And really, only comparing it because people are on Melo's nuts he had no assists when Kobe only had two in his game, with more turnovers, minutes and shots.

When Kobe scored 81 points, he had two assists. Big fucking deal. he also had multiple turnovers. When you're shooting over 60% on a shitty team you keep shooting, that's your best chance to score. 'Melo did it in three minutes less and 11 shots less than Kobe and nobody gave Kobe shit when he had his night against a


That wasn't their wedding video. That was his own personal video. She asked for his footage because the wedding video wasn't good.

Hey! Don't be so confused about your Hooter love!

If I took this challenge watching the Knicks I would only request "sighs" were allowed and then win every time.

If you go back a few more days I think it's the first time he got to read the promo. They had a full on discussion about how they were allowed to say "ass" and how he was excited he got to read that promo.

If that is your line of thinking than the normal human reaction would be to ask for clarification not to accuse me of being a bigot, which was what sparked this entire thing. And yet, 80+ comments later, i'm still not certain everyone understands, so I'm afraid throwing in qualifiers wouldn't have accomplished what

Because the second "academically gifted" came into play, it was "racist". Part of his repertoire for being academically gifted is he is articulate and well-spoken. There is no difference in those characteristics if they all hold to be true. It's ridiculous one is OK and the other two are not and I was pointing out the

Maybe, I know he had a 3.9 but then I've also heard 4.2. No idea, suffice it to say he did well there academically and athletically. Of course, I knew none of his credentials outside of going to Stanford until all of this came to light. I did compliment him. It wasn't difficult and it was in the last sentence.

Huh? He does not have a Masters' degree. He returned his final year of eligibility to pursue one so he can play FOOTBALL another season and then did, and then left, without earning one.

Urban is not limited to one race for me, call me crazy. And since he's from an urban area (Compton) that's the connection. Any connotation beyond that connection is inaccurate to me.:)

And if you look at the other comments I made, I already talked about how I think Sherman is as close as it gets for an athletic role model and how I love him. If you weren't so busy seeing things in ultra lights and through your color is everything vision, you might have caught it.