
No. I made the comment the way I did to point out even if I didn't want to, I had no other choice. And that, in itself, is sad. Being aware Richard Sherman is black is not the same as judging him based off of it.

How far do you want to go back? Romans fed Catholics to the Lions. Italians in the south were hated by the KKK as well. My family coming to America had people arrested for no apparent reason. And Hitler didn't like Italians if they weren't in Italy. But I wouldn't claim that sort of thing because it didn't happen to

That comment wasn't directed at you. You haven't acted tough in the least. We have a disagreement but you haven't been hostile. That's how a debate should work.

Lol I said he was well-spoken, said nothing in regards to myself. I mean it's fair, one of my earlier comments about Sherman was I have no problem with you disliking him for other reasons. I can see how his personality would rub people the wrong way. But I think he's a great story. A kid from Compton who self

Have you met some Ive League grads? My expectation for them to get a good job and excel in their field? High. My expectation for them to be well-spoken and articulate? Average. My expectation for a pro athlete to come from an Ivy League and be articulate and well-spoken? Minimal. I grew up about seven minutes from

Never said I didn't see color. Nor does calling Richard Sherman articulate the same way I did it for Justin Tucker imply anything else you're trying to stretch in-between your name calling, but thanks for playing. Again, take your hatred elsewhere, it's not welcome in this conversation, at least not with me.

And what's your point? Your thought process has gone so far removed from Richard Sherman's intelligence level as a professional athlete you're not even near the same topic anymore. I never denied racism exists, it has nothing to do with pointing out a professional athlete is well-spoken, and as pointed out, I would do

LOL. I love Chris Rock and I also liked Colin Powell so thank you for this. But I will point out, in this case, Colin Powell is a well-educated politician, he SHOULD speak well, so pointing it out IS confusing. Richard Sherman is an athlete, he is not expected to speak well. Not because he's black, but because he's an

Read: First sentence.

Thank you, that was precisely my point. It's not an athlete's job to be well spoken or articulate, i'm surprised and excited anytime anyone portrays those traits.

Thank you.

Which is fine, but I don't fit into the "usually" category. People also have a rule of not calling someone until three days after a date because "people do that" but I think that's garbage too and it has nothing to do with race.

You are qualifying "articulate" based on other people's accusations and i'm the one who lacks critical thinking? Sorry, I missed the part in English class where articulate became a racially charged word. Guess what? I think black people can be gritty in sports and white people can be lazy. I know, mind blown.

Thank you, this was ARTICULATED a lot better than I guess I have been presenting it. I appreciate you evaluating the situation.

I wasn't pretending to not see race. I see race, I don't evaluate based on it. There's a difference, one you can't grasp, clearly. And I doth protest too much because you doth make lunatic accusations out of your ass. And the fact you took that vibe from my original post, is sad, it's sad for your mental well being.


Because I already did that in previous articles? I had no issue with what he said. I thought it was refreshing and what everyone always asks for. Most sports fans are unhappy no matter what they see, if a player always says the right thing it's boring. If they're honest, it's unsportsmanlike, if they're excited

Get a grip. I'm not here to defend whether racism exists in america or not, nor am I the great white voice of white people. I was accused of being a bigot for no apparent reason and I pointed out there is no apparent reason for it. I'm sorry if I'm not OK with people bringing modern Salem Witch trials to America all

I don't feel that way at all. What I feel is the people who accuse someone of being racist with no evidence whatsoever are harmful to society. I also feel your two sentences were a bigger waste since you offered nothing to this discussion.

How should I be dealing with this fantasy issue you are accusing me of having? Should I take Philosophy and discuss race and religion again? Are there classes I can take where I teach the class to myself? Do you understand what you are trying to claim here? That someone who has given you no single shred of evidence