
March for Science just announced it will take place on Earth Day, Saturday April 22nd!

“Liberty our freedom” is a thing of beauty

Oh no! Its too late for me to edit my comment now.

None of this is true. According to Facebook and Fox News, these pipelines are being constructed to fight terrorism, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and to liberty our freedom. Opposing these pipelines, according to Facebook, means you want to ban recess for kids because pussification participation trophy.

No problem. Trump just signed an EO to make sure that two regulations get eliminated for every one regulation implemented. This means that the EPA, NSF, and NIH are all basically going to disappear in terms of their effectiveness to fight Global Warming. They will be shells of themselves. Empty, like this fucking

Even his baby , his wall will cause ecological damage, but nothing matters except profit

Can someone more in-the-know than I comment on the current and expected status of leadership regarding the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Health (NIH)? I am having trouble figuring out where these two major research arms are headed.

I’m also in the environmental field and much more worried than I was under Bush.

Was watching Fake News channel this morning. They had a panel of trump supporters on, asking their views of trump’s first 12 days in office.

Its also very important to stay informed. Everyone should know WHY the DAPL and Keystone pipelines are being built. It is so oil companies can capitalize on exporting crude. The moratorium on our 40 year old export ban was just lifted. The Bakken fields are already being pumped and have been in production for years.

I personally don’t find it hard to dislike women who attack assault victims and are blasé about anti-Semitism. Not at all.

Having been married to a narcissist, I can’t help but feel bad for her. He was probably incredible to her at the beginning, she probably fell madly in love with that false persona, and he probably had her sign papers that will financially destroy her if she leaves.

I made some drunken rant before about how I can’t really hate her.

So many non-racist answers available, but this guy couldn’t help but show his true self. Freudian slip indeed.

I believe the phrase “traditionally American” is what we in the business call “code.”

What about our new Secretary of Education, Ms. Champion of Child Labor?

This is one of those scenarios where even the most cynical person can get why having Kanye at any event isn’t such a good idea given his track record. So if you want to spin it, just say he’s unpredictable. Hell, I’d even take a wishy washy “his genre is not a good fit for this occasion” which, while a loaded answer

Traditionally American? What traditionally American things will it feature? Manifest Destiny? Slavery? Caning of liberals? Isolationism? Internment of Japanese? Banjos? (I’m pretty sure that Banjos are the only American instrument, so that’s why I say Banjos). Westward Expansion? Segregation? Civil Rights actions?

I’m going to Trader Joes to stock up on wine, and I will have myself quite a party tomorrow night watching Rachel Maddow try to explain what the fuck just went on in DC earlier. If it wasn’t for her & Joy Reid, I’d be in a bunker with my dog, cat & a case of Three Buck Chuck.