
I greatly appreciate this inspiring article. The young people are inspiring. The comments are disappointing. I had expected to see many more people supporting the interviews. After many years of community organizing, we learned that inclusion, promotion of people of color and recognizing their leadership was critical

I greatly appreciate this article. The young people were very inspiring and point to a future politics shifting further left. The comment section is a disappointment. Very few commenters even refer to the interviews and that is disappointing. My experience in community organizing taught us that no movement will

The so-called hiatus question originated with climate deniers and their fog machines.

Fair point. Doesn’t change the fact that our national policy that you support has been to throw money at the wealthiest people in the world and to destroy the Commons. Why do you hate the working people?

In 2005, when the river conservationists tried to compel California to work on this and other dams. The governor at that time was Schwarzenegger. Except for utter fools like Reagan and Wilson, even the Republicans are moderate. According to the news, the states did not have sufficient money to pay for those giant

Now that the supremely incompetent Secretary of education has been confirmed, we can look forward to millions of children with your rudimentary level of education to shill for polluting industries and their patsies in Congress.

Interesting comment. I agree. Lots of jobs have disappeared since I was born. Nobody mourns all the secretarial jobs that disappeared, or the accounting jobs, or the photography related jobs, and on and on. Maybe the only jobs that rank high enough to rate concern are those that exist in dying industries where the

Which scientists? Which morals were fucked with? Whose livelihood? What are you talking about?

Prove it.

That is such a good point. I have known quite a few people who were bi-polar. At some point racism would always emerge.

Right. I’d be great if that shit ever worked.

This is incorrect. We need to raise the cap for employees who contribute to SS and Medicare.