
Ok, I'm just going to say it — Mary Harron's adaptatation of American Psycho is much, much better than the book. Not to mention, a more faithful adaptation would have been unwatchable torture porn, even by torture porn standards. I know it's an old quote, but another hearty "fuck off" to Bret Easton Ellis. The

Yup, total marketing ploy. I've never seen so many uncool and painfully conventional 20 year olds with unusual haircuts.

I have no trouble at all believing that.

Not to me.

I get the impression that it won't be the sort of poop they were hoping for. This could be bad. Very bad.

Right? It's really not fair. If DDL is in the running, you can just give it up.

This still can't touch the reviews for Haribo Sugar Free gummy bears.

"No need to waste those hours of your life."

Yeah. That's what I was saying. I don't get that impulse.

I simultaneously agree with you, and feel with every last fiber of my being that "30 degrees" is below freezing, goddammit, not hot. For chrissakes. What is wrong with you people?

Yay Portlandia, where weather never does anything exciting or notable. I'll be walking home today snug as a bug in my coat, per usual.

Unfortunately, no.

I don't understand that impulse at all. Talented people are often "weirdos."

Right? It annoys the crap out of me when people deem things they don't really know anything about stupid and pointless.

Right? He somehow just gives off good vibes or something. He's laid down some serious perspective on that family before. It's surprising.

I couldn't help but think of his meeting with the woman dying of cancer, when he admitted he struggled with death. And then to have both of his parents die relatively young within months of each other? Ugh. I don't care who you are or how privileged, that's just flat-out awful. He's super sensitive, too.

Nah, that color is great on fair skin, especially if you have a pink undertone like me. You'll have to fight me for it.

I decided a long time ago that there is literally nothing Morrissey could say that could turn me against him. He has a lifetime free pass with me. I'm not saying it's right. It is what it is. He likes to shock, but there are a lot of things about him that are kind and empathetic and full of perspective and pathos,

Yeah, my husband became a cat person instantly the moment our female tabby cat casually parked herself on his leg as an 8-month old kitten. That was 13 years ago and she is still firmly "his" cat. I got stuck with our whiny, entitled 5 year old ragdoll who still believes I'm his mama. I adore the little pain in the

You know, it's interesting...these megachurches and "non-denominational" churches largely eschew formal dress in church, and it's not uncommon for both women and men to come to church wearing jeans, but what's so strange is that this is literally the ONLY area in which these churches are less conservative than a