
Oh yeah, it's just that his interests are both expensive AND batshit crazy.

Oh, yeah, that doesn't surprise me. The rapture thing is closely tied with the evangelical movement. The descendants of Billy Graham, i.e., the same people who solidified their political influence in the 70s and spawned the likes of American Family Association, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, etc. The

Yup. Me too. It's closely tied to my resting bitchface.

What Christians are you talking to? In the Southeast, it's a lot more common than you might think among mainstream evangelicals. Not that their churches spend a lot of time going on about the rapture in fire and brimstone sermons, exactly, just that they think the Rapture is a real thing when it comes down to it.

I really wish Nicholas Cage hadn't gone insane. He was such a gifted actor. Raising Arizona — one of the great comedic performances of all time. Wild at Heart — is Wild at Heart. 'Nuff said. Leaving Las Vegas — devastating, beautiful. Now....this.

If it wasn't for all those bodyguards, he undoubtedly would have been beaten into a coma by now. Of course, you have to wonder when one of the bodyguards themselves is finally going to snap. Maybe they're all plotting the perfect murder as we speak and we should just leave it alone to develop organically.

New rule: You can never, ever be considered a "bad boy" if you have more than one bodyguard. Also, Biebs kind of looks like a larger-ish toddler, so....

Hands down.

Yeah. I think despite Jim Parsons' seven or whatever-the-insane-number Emmys, he's still underrated in a lot of ways. I would have loved to have seen him in that Larry Kramer play The Normal Heart.

I think this is the most I've ever disliked Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. The tone of that "insider's" comment has been pissing me off all morning. Why the fuck shouldn't Khloe talk about how her sinister mother destroyed her self esteem as a child? Everything in that family revolves around Kris and her precious

That Napoleon complex can produce some pretty brutal results.

Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the BBT. I know it's a standard-issue sitcom, but it does it so, so well. I can't help it. Sheldon and Amy are my shit.

I was referring to the non-sequitur in the attorney's explanation, i.e., tying it specifically to the nuns' work with the elderly poor. But yeah, what the others said — it's not the employers paying for the contraception anyway.

"The Little Sisters are an order of Catholic nuns whose religious faith leads them to devote their lives to caring for the elderly poor. Not surprisingly, they have sincere and undisputed religious objections to complying with this Mandate," Rienzi said.

Why? Because it took me less than two minutes on Nottaway Plantation's website to be absolutely blown away by the revolting glossing over of history, the elevation of the slave owner, and the pushing of patently offensive "happy slave" trope.

"Is it possible that she was sincere when she suggested that the setting would become a participant in the event? Not that she was glossing over it, but rather that the context was truly going to be considered and mulled over during the event?"

Most appropriate use for this fabulous gif ever.

I'm still so incredibly pissed about Enlightened. I like Girls ok, but it's no Enlightened. Lena Dunham is no Mike White.

I've met a couple of male sociopaths in my time, and both claimed that their exes had ruined their lives, blamed the exes fully for the deterioration of the marriage, and viewed their children as pawns and cudgels in what they viewed as a war. This is the face of FRAs.

Exactly. This. This simple but easily substantiated point cannot be stressed enough when dealing with delusional MRAs.