
a) I tend to agree with you that the fact pattern does not look good for Lizzie. At all. Who else had better motive and opportunity? And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah...honestly, this is the first time I've felt any warm and fuzzies towards Mary Cheney. I guess she reached her limit.

Great, now I'm almost sure to click on that during work hours.

Yeah, the way she just let that awkward silence hang there all sinister-like was fucking BOSS. I never thought I would cheer for a Cheney.

You're killing me here. I desperately want to click on that link, but I'm at work. Wait, my phone! Be right back...

I think I fell into that person's trap once, because I actually have nothing but nice things to say about Angelina, whereas Aniston kind of annoys me. As I soon discovered...

In addition to the Twin Peaks theme, the style is just so "walking through Covent Garden in 1966" fabulous.

Dana Ashbrook's forehead hair flip is everything. Also, easily one of the most underrated actors of the last 25 years.

No I will not. You will rock that dress, and fuck the rent.

Yeah mine doesn't like to sit on my lap, but he wants to be as close as humanly possible to me otherwise.

Adorable. Ragdolls are the bestest. Even if they sometimes attempt to "make biscuits" on you for 24 hours straight. I think Mr. Noms is going for a world record or something.

Both. He's 17 pounds.

I see these ragdolls and raise you my own! Meet my Mr. Noms!

I'm so confused right now. Did you not read my original post that began this thread? PercyChuggs accused me of thinking all white people are racist, and that's the post you responded to. I've been agreeing with you this whole time.

If the "White Tears" people squared off against us "Seething with Rage" folks, I don't think it will go well for the White Tears crowd.

The disingenuous white tears are really flowing today.

That wasn't my point. The point is, why be coy when the fact is right in front of our faces? That ship has sailed.

I think you misunderstood — I know she can. I just think she should. Saying "I don't read or write" is selling herself short.

The only thing that bothered me was her saying she doesn't read or write (not mentioned in this write-up). A well-read Courtney Stodden would be really interesting.