
My grandmother is from London and her whole family still lives in the UK. I get a couple shipments a year of your Smarties, as I have been coveting them my entire life.

It's those little balls of fabric that pop up on clothes. Generally, the better the fabric, the less it pills.

I have a seven year old pair of Nike workout pants that still don't have a pill on them after countless washings and wearings. And they're not even the high-end line.

I'd like to think that Shannon Wilson's incredibly dirty look at her husband in this clip, after he sputters through his "bitches be too fat for our pants" explanation, was due to some level of human decency in her, but if we're being honest, she's probably just pissed at how goddamn ham-fisted he's been throughout

Yup. It's the no-win situation that rape victims so frequently find themselves in with law enforcement and our justice system that makes this brave/cowardly dichotomy for victims so infuriating and insufferable.


Yes, how did you ever guess??

I feel you. And I think you're right about Khloe getting a raw deal in how people view her (despite being, by far, the most likable Kardashian). I feel like Kim has probably had a lot of fillers. I'm still not sold on the actual plastic surgery thing. I think that family is just really into fillers and makeup.

Except for the incredibly obvious Donatella Versace situations, I rarely see the evidence of plastic surgery in celebrities that the tabloids are so insistent about. I feel like a lot of it can be attributed to makeup, and in many cases, probably fillers. When you look at separate pics of a celebrity in the context

That kiss scene with Carey Mulligan was so hot that somehow, the incredibly graphic head-stomping into head-ish pulp that came next did nothing to diminish its sexiness.

Her nose seriously looks the same in all of the pics to you?

Right? Her nose looks exactly the same in all of the pics, yet we're to believe that she's had 3 nose jobs? Her cheeks also look the same.

The HBO documentary on Pussy Riot is excellent. Better than I expected and a pretty thorough deconstruction of this situation.

Or Anthony Ray Parker, aka "Dozer."

Well, I'm much more sympathetic if the person is all, "fuck if I know what the hell that was." The less informed it is by religious ideology, and the more baffled they are by the whole thing, the more slack I give them. People who claim they've seen demons are more suspect to me than people who see what they

I believe I would kill to be as good a sleeper as Meagan Hatcher-Mays's husband.

I'm with you. But for me, since I'm also humanist, it's more about not being willing to be so cynical that I'm going to call anyone with a story of this type a liar. I can believe that they believe it, you know? I don't feel the need to cast aspersions on them at all or to see them proven wrong.

I really like this unpretentious Christopher Walken method Rob Lowe has been using to revitalize his career these past few years.

I can't wait to hear from those who insisted to me yesterday and tied themselves in knots to make the case that the Auckland police weren't really victim-blaming and were actually being super, super sensitive and praising the bravery of rape victims who do come forward when the spokesman said no girls were "brave

No, it is not. Crowe doesn't live in NZ anymore, and it's already been reported that it's the son of an actor who was in the Matrix in a supporting role.