
Rick knows.

Brian Austin Green is looking really cheery and enthusiastic here. This must have been before his friend accidentally blew his head off right in front of him. He became much more emo after that.

Call me crazy, but people's shit talking and "my friend's sister's boyfriend's cousin said...." in comment sections always fails to convince me that *insert celebrity here* is actually a sleazebag/total bitch. Maybe the person telling the story, or the person the commenter heard it from, is actually the asshole in

What's sad is that Kanye undoubtedly believes, with every fiber of his being, that his sad "leather jogging pant" is more fashion-forward than Obama's impeccably tailored designer suits.

Yeah, it's not pleasant. Once all this became clear to me, I committed to avoiding them like the plague. I never engage Gawker's MRA/PUA trolls anymore.

Typical MRA/PUA response. They are desperate to be "alpha males," but without all that pesky chivalry crap that traditionally accompanied patriarchy. They aspire to be a particular brand of alpha male who find it appropriate to watch a woman being assaulted while they do nothing, because the expectation of men to

Here's the recipe — I substituted chicken bouillon for the sofrito — ain't nobody got time to make sofrito on the weekdays (unless you're Gwyneth Paltrow). It was a great sub. This was genuinely delicious and it throws together in no time.

I have the same problem. When I cook, I like to cook. I always struggled with weeknight dinners until I realized that I could make soup a couple times a week and have leftovers. A slow-cooker just makes it that much easier. I am thinking of investing in a fancy-pants Cuisinart one.

My parents divorced when I was 8, and I lived with my dad for the next four years. He wasn't much of a cook, so we went out to dinner or had takeout almost every night. The nights we went out, in particular, are a really good memory for me. I was always a daddy's girl and we would always have fun going out to eat

I think it's pretty cool that she told him about her "old nose" and that she and her BF had a sense of humor about it. That's the way to do it.

We did a semi-elopement beach wedding, and the $500 included the photographer, who served as witness, and a cake. Got a $200 wedding dress from J.Crew. I don't regret doing the low-key, no guests thing at all. We're both introverts and my family is way too dysfunctional.

Another commenter just pointed out that Bill Hader would be perfect as Akroyd, and I agree.

You should be a casting agent. That is fucking brilliant.

I would like to say something nice about Nicole Kidman: Yes, she's had work done, but I don't think she's as plastic as the tabloids make her out to be. She seems like a genuinely nice and down to earth person, as well as one of the best actresses working, and The Paperboy taught us that she not only has more To Die

That's pretty impressive. And here I was all proud of myself for getting married for $500. And that was in 2004. I guess you can't beat the value of getting married at the courthouse.

My completely non-expert but somewhat informed opinion is that he suffers from a lack of impulse and emotional control due to his traumatic brain injury from his car accident a decade ago.

I'm no big fan of Kanye, and I find him tiresome, but any time he's really gotten on my nerves, I think of this and a small part of me has a soft spot for him.

"Walking snore." Nailed it.

Yup, Posh is far more down to earth than her couture-clad appearance and general bitchface would suggest. As a fellow sufferer of chronic resting bitchface myself, I get it. I've always liked her.