Thank you for your continued support of Deadspin. It was fun to go down into the weekend blog mines for the first…
Thank you for your continued support of Deadspin. It was fun to go down into the weekend blog mines for the first…
Top of the 10th inning, visiting team scores two runs, game suddenly ends.
I knew a guy who spent like 10 years off and on restoring a 442. Once it was finished, the engine blew up within a month.
I’m a Bears fan and I wish Ditka had never won that Super Bowl. That one Super Bowl made him a God in Chicago for some reason. If he was worth a damn that team would have won 3-4 Super Bowls. He was a garbage coach and he’s an even worse person. ESPN has more pieces of shit on it’s payroll than congress.
If there is a person in the world even a little bit surprised that Mike Ditka is an advocate for beating children, feel free to say so here.
Probably the most overrated NFL coach of all-time. Almost any half-decent NFL coach would have won that 1985 Super Bowl. It's a testament to him that they didn't win multiple Super Bowls.
That was embarrassing to watch. Mike Ditka is a garbage human being.
It’s a good thing Ditka’s father used corporal punishment. Otherwise that guy might have turned into some kind of asshole.
The fact that he did that after another of his children was beaten to death is enough to label him a monster in my eyes.
So Columbus just very publicly chose John Tortorella over their franchise center?
He sucked at throwing. He was terrific at catching.
Including Pittsburgh in this list is just untrue
Pete Rose bet on baseball and Don Mattingly has half the career WAR of Curt Schilling.
While I agree that neither Steelers nor the Patriots would make as drastic of a move as giving this level of authority to someone who is not a football guy, I find it entirely plausible that - if DePodesta approached either organization and expressed his interest in joining - they would find a place for him.
John McDonough went from the Cubs front office to running the Blackhawks, and that worked out fairly well.
Sure. But they were wrong, DePo won the hell out of the Lo Duca/Penny swap. Especially if you include the subsequent Murphy/Finley deal.
By Frank McCourt, because of the scorn of Plaschke and Simers. Honestly DePo should put that on his resume with a gold star.
Working for the Wilpons must be fucking terrible if you’re willing to give up the GM in waiting role on a team that just was in the World Series to go to the Cleveland Browns where literally every single career has gone to die.
The bigger joke is “productition.”
Jesus, Leitch... very well written opening on the soul crushing reality we currently live in.