Tom Brady [shudders]
Tom Brady [shudders]
As the old saying goes, “If you lie down with dogs, A Current Affair will show the video footage.”
This has already been said ad nauseam.
May 1st: “The executives hired to sack Byron Scott wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The Lakers have been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.”
0-82, his first choice, lacked sufficient characters.
January 26 — Byron Scott Says He Was Hacked
That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.
Peyton Manning: I’ll take “Football Excuses” for 200.
The same look I get at the end of a bad first date, when the guy leans in.
Marchman got to him. He’s in the pocket of BIG SAC BUNT. It’s the only plausible explanation.
Only recently. In the past, engineers didn’t wear an undeveloped aesthetic sense as a badge of honor, as if it meant they were better at engineering. Which it doesn’t.
It’s true, they did indeed take over WCW in the 90s. I SEEN IT
Tony Romo is an elite quarterback.
That William Randolph Hearst had congress make weed illegal so that the hemp paper mills had to shut down and all the newspaper companies had to buy his wood-pulp paper.
That the New York Jets have, in fact, won a Super Bowl.
Three really important pieces of advice for people getting on a rowing machine:
To be fair, I wanted to keel over and die after I made it there.
I’m an experienced gym-rat and I can only do 10 minutes on the rowing machine before I want to keel over and die. You deserve mad props for doing 30. Well done!
Not that I can recall. Privately, however, I can think of one, perhaps.