Of note: a capella possession is often scoreless
Of note: a capella possession is often scoreless
That’s my next in line waiting for me! I’ve heard it’s great!
Audiobooks do not count. Audiobooks are an information delivery vehicle. Reading implies literacy.
Pretty much the weightlifting equivalent of when I have sex; plenty of talk beforehand, a good show of confidence, a decent build up, use of a rubber... and then unintelligible grunts before everything slips out and I’m getting laughed at after a spectacular fail.
To be clear, the skier’s mistake was tossing the boarder when the lift was that close to the ground.
He still got screwed. He had to move his family and when players get demoted to the AHL, they take a paycut.
This is so topical it should be an ointment.
While a Coyote explains the (NHL’s) world
Oh I would too. Fuck the NHL’s stupid fan vote and fuck the shitty “fans” that voted him in as a joke - Scott has none of my contempt here.
I give mad props to any man who is basically told “listen, your inclusion into this All-Star game was from a joke of a fan vote and once traded your new team thought so little of you they demoted you to a minor league” and says “yeah fuck it, I’m still going”.
the NHL stuffed the ballot box for Scott? I KNEW IT!!!
I used to always wonder what kind of absolute fucking moron would lose all of his money in a pyramid scheme.
If you think that’s the rudest thing about Curry, you never hung out in my college dorm room after an Indian food buffet.
Did you not watch games 1-4 of last year’s final? Bron drew the Cavs with the Warriors himself. The last two games, he was just gassed.
You’re always good for a highly amusing and relevant-to-the-article wrestling reference.
Ooh, that’s a good one, too-
I saw on Twitter someone posted (paraphrased), “saying ‘save the rainforests’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘fuck all other forests,’” which I appreciated as an analogy for all this “all lives matter” nonsense.
Twitter can be such a shitshow. I love it, but it gives such a free pass for people to be horrible and ignorant.