The CBA stats leaders is a world class Remember Some Guys in action.
The CBA stats leaders is a world class Remember Some Guys in action.
Buzzfeed News is reporting this? I’m surprised it wasn’t posted as a list of gifs with the headline of “25 Reasons Why I Think Tennis Is Fixed.”
Beast Mode —> Least Mode —> Released Mode —> Signed by Raiders.
No skin in the matchup, but good for Fitzgerald after endless years of “He should leave Arizona, he’s wasting his career there”/ “Is he washed up?” / “Will he ever play with a competent QB again?”
This hire is bullsh...oh wait, I promised I’d stop cussing. What’s a similar word I could use to describe this?
Later, Terry would meet Kaun backstage and play him some of Terry’s favorite band, Mötorhead. Kaun had heard of the lead singer’s recent death, but confessed he had never heard any of their music, to which Terry, incredulous, replied:
It must’ve been a bitter pellet to swallow to go through with this.
Please, Pac-man, everyone knows Jethro Tull will win this year.
“Hey Antonio, this is only $3 a bottle and will have your head clear by Sunday afternoon!”
brownout, n.
Found this on dlisted and stole it. credit to amp69.
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
The entire damn album. I still believe the final three tracks here are the best three tracks to close out any album. It’s just so good. Still broken up he’s gone. At least the albums will be here forever.
Still getting used to wearing glasses. The most interesting part is seeing the expressions of those used to me without them.
I was thinking they’ve paid full price for shake a lot of times.
K2, not to be mistaken for K9, which is just a fancy way of saying Tom Brady.
unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high
Remember like three years ago when Nate Silver said that the average Deadspin reader was a 34 year old white male with an above average income, and high alcohol consumption?
Drew Magary’s Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the 2017 NFL season.
Had some of these at the home of my bougie-est bougie friends, and my reaction was to bust out the Jordan Peele impression: “White people be crazy.”
Chip gets the one job that Hue Jackson looked at and thought, “Nah, better go with Cleveland”