Vlad the Imploder

I think you are right to feel this way. I’m not a Liverpool fan, but dammit, I think I am a Klopp fan.

Apparently before these were found, there were only 15 from this period known to exist, and this cache is valued in the seven figure range.

This is the part where we remind everyone that Arsenal’s majority owner is none other than Stan Kroenke. I thought he was public enemy #1, or at least in the top ten around these parts.

“title-favored Gunners”...

When reached for comment, Saban replied, “Auburn in hell.”

They would have done one recently but the Yankees would have just shown up as is.

I didn’t expect how utterly loathsome most of these people would be. Usually conspiracy theorists are presented as wacky and harmless, but a great many of these people are actively dangerous. Andrew Wakefield in particular deserves to be in a prison cell.

If I were him, I would show up in an ‘86 Cavalier on Friday just to mess with people.

Always caucus truthers.

Always exercise regimen truthers.

“And that’s Kanye West in 2016: the signal fighting the noise to a draw.”


Grantland was great.

Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

Yeah, no. It’s pretty much a universally hated practice here. A patch that small I could live with...but I’m afraid it’s going to be a case of an inch given, a mile taken. I recognize that the slippery slope is a logical fallacy but we have seen the way it goes.

CrayOn You Spurs!

Now playing

He could no longer stomach living around all the damn vampires.

Guadalcanal Diary