And people aren’t googling them, as they are being directed to them by their local or state Covid pages.
And people aren’t googling them, as they are being directed to them by their local or state Covid pages.
Really can't imagine Starbucks being more popular than Dunkin in Massachusetts, drive-thru-wise.
Is their kid named Marlin?
But it’s about the same as not wanting transition to a vegetarian diet. What is wrong in eating a smaller % of meat until you don’t eat any? It’s not like meat suddenly stopped existing as soon as you chose to stop eating it. Unless you have allergies and really want to experience something as close as the real thing…
Most Americans I know that visit me and people I know here in the UK will return home with as many bags of Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps they can fit in their suitcase. There’s something about that flavour that Americans go mental for, and rightly so, because they’re fantastic crisps.
I’ve always put my trust in Alton Brown’s chewy variation on the classic Toll House recipe. Ever since that episode of Good Eats aired 20 years ago, it has never steered me wrong.
The nicest thing I can say about him is what I saw on Twitter:
There is no way this was any good. A) Limbaugh was a midwesterner, and these people have no clue what good sweet tea should be. B) Bottled tea, with two exceptions*, are trash. 3) Being a grade A capitalist, I’m sure it was made with the finest in tea dust and high fructose corn syrup with a light dash of preservative…
“...not like andouille is terribly hard to find these days...” but she used ten hot dogs; I think the choice here is for volume of food, like in college where we almost cooked things like jambalaya by accident. The people who showed me jambalaya used andouille for seasoning, not mass.
If I remember correctly, there’s that shitboxhoarder fellow who went overseas to add a shitbox van to his shitbox collection that’s probably going to sit on the yard of his rented house until the city tells him to get rid of it.
No, dipshit.
I care too, dipshit. I don’t have to care the same way you do, unless you’re the greek god in charge of caring.
What about David Tracy flying to Europe to fix an old van was “reasonable”?
What about going to Germany to buy a shit-box van as a goof? Where does that rank in terms of necessity, above or bellow seeing one’s family for the first time in 8 months?
Black kettles matter.
Hasn’t like half of the Jalopnik staff written articles about large trips they’ve taken during the pandemic?
Great article as usual David, although I disagree with you (and I come to MI from NY which had strict vehicle inspections).
Please specify which alleged rapist in the debate you are speaking about.