Vladimir Smirnov

You really are a prime example of idiocy. Why the fuck do you go to the TÜV without even bleeding your brakes on a car that was stationary this long and with a headlight that pops out of its housing when driving over a bump?! That car should not have been on the road, so thank God TÜV exists to stop idiots like you

David this is really interesting but your mobile website is waaaay too crashy to do a story this long with this many pictures and ads. I got the safari error “an error repeatedly occurred on the page” at least 10 times before I gave up reading. I still don’t know how you finally managed to get a pass...

Heres a newsflash for all the idiots making the same response: the automotive world is vast. The writers can write about something other than their own pieces of shit. They can write a story about their functioning vehicle and what they did to make it even cooler/work better. Etc etc etc.

I’d love to be on the call from the refinery to the railroad after this. Refineries aren’t big on funny business.

I did a little digging for info. The bridge is at the Valero Memphis Terminal. It dead-ends just past the bridge into an oil refinery. (so the bridge only has to be high enough for tankers) Somebody made a wrong turn.

This would be less likely to happen in those countries for a couple of reasons. The big one being very little freight goes by rail there. Rails are for passengers, ships and barges and trucks carry most of the freight. What goes by rail is express shipments in short, light, fast trains that can keep to passenger train

You can see this kind of action in Boston on Storrow Drive every year around Labor Day. Not with trains, but with college students driving in to furnish their dorm rooms. The Mass DOT sets all their flashy LED traffic signs to say “UHAULS DO NOT/USE STORROW” every year around that time, but it still happens. Google

Sorry, but taking nudes if you’re not ok with them getting out is pretty dumb for your average shmoe, but for a celebrity? Dumb, dumb, dumbity-dumb.  Y’all just forgot the Fappening? Even if you’re not gonna somehow fuck up and release them yourself, and everyone you send them to behaves honorably, there’s still too

I don’t think you get it. You seem to misunderstand what Lewis’ job is.

Reminds me of a comment on the Sears/K-mart merger: “it’s like roping two drunks together hoping that’ll make them both walk straight.”

I continue to wish that automotive news websites focus on, you know, quality journalism and car culture rather than swearing and making click bait.

I’d probably be impressed by the setup when I watched the episode, had I not already socially distanced myself from the show entirely and will therefore not see it.

Followed soon by the required multiple comments stating “I’m a great driver and have no issue driving fast it’s everyone else that sucks at speed.”

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.


That is everywhere and only clicked on this to say it is click bait.

Well they have a shit ton of money and an unearned sense of superiority. I can’t imagine better qualifications for running a production company.

But can a Mohel do a bris in the back seat....never mind.

I understand the spirit of your post, but c’mon, neither of these losers (nor their daughters) have nothing to offer. Gianulli’s contribution to fashion was to write his name in large script on a sweatshirt. Loughlin’s contribution to performance was to be possess a cute, perky appearance. Both had pre existing

Cheddar or gouda if you're on the harder stuff.