Vladimir Smirnov

A good Manhattan needs razor bites. 

So, premium subpremium?

Old Overhot Bonded??? Back before rye had its semi-resurgence, the only rye you'd find in areas where I lived were Overhot and Jim Beam's yellow label rye. I see that this is a relatively recent effort. Any good?

Started in California but purchased by major franchisee Elias Brothers of Warren, Michigan (my hometown) in the 1960s. Went through the usual bankruptcy in the naughts but still a presence, mostly in Michigan. 

It's all of those things. Trust me, growing up Finnish-American every relative has it on the wall in some form, and you get a lecture on with while choking down rhubarb pie. 

Raymond Loewy = your ass is kicked

The French-style rolling pin is an example of why using your fingers is better than using your hands: greater feel and more dexterity and control. I learned that as a lacrosse player 40 years ago; the best players controlled their stick with their fingers. The same applies with canoe or kayak paddles especially on the

Diana in Bologna eating bollito misto.  

Also the boring way to go.

The usual lightweight reportage from this gang o’ websites. So why do respected masters like Michael Ruhlman and Aaron Franklin keep them on? I take the membrane off because I listen to Meathead Goldwyn. How about some pros and cons rather than a toss off piece?

It's called a W-2, millennial. 

When you’re driving at 5 mph for up to 11 hours a day listening to the same jingle 1000 times, delusions will occur. This article and thread have made for a good trip down Memory Lane.

As the commander of an ice cream truck in the early 80's, just as the brand names started creeping in on Good Humor and Popsicle, I am surprised that 10 of the 15 selections were available on my cream cruiser, the Good Rumor. My best sellers other than the cheap Popsicles (25 cents) and Freeze Pops (10 cents) were the

Me, a Reuben all da way. But I geddit. A Bearss fan could only haf an Eyetalian beef. Dipped yah, what are you? From Iowa?

I’ve seen him on TV. He leads walking tours of NYC neighborhoods that include visits to a few pizzerias over a couple of hours. I suppose it’s worth it if you really like pizza but know nothing about NYC.

Especially in this case. Most any foodie oohs and ahhs over gorgeous deeply colored European or specialty farm egg yolks; this looks like a blatant fraud to mimic that look. Eat with your eyes, eh? 

The only fast food place I’ve eaten in around my area is BK mostly due to the varied seating. My son and I grab the breakfast specials and a high top with stools by a window. Much nicer than a booth especially if you’re tall. Your point about the wide mix of patrons is spot on, as the central maxi booth is taken by

Any coupon works!!! Beware of paper cuts!!!

Agreed. If you know me well enough to engage in text conversations with me, you know me well enough to expect proper punctuation. If you don’t know me well enough such that proper punctuation may unduly stress your millennial heart, please exit the sodded area surrounding my dwelling.

No shit. What a deep, nuanced douchebag.