
EA’s just gonna start selling games via lootboxes.

Even beyond the sickening level of disregard for the sanctity of human life, their position doesn’t even make logical sense; fund mental health and substance use treatment if you’re so concerned about people who are mentally ill or using substances being around you. Make sure the shelter has accompanying treatment

Just wanted to say, I’m glad at least one person on this thread isn’t a sociopath who hates every person living on the streets that they come across. I’m fucking floored by the amount of hatred toward people who are homeless, mentally ill, and/or substance users that I’m seeing in these comments.

“...it wasn’t a priority because he couldn’t get it done fast enough for it to be a finished problem, by the time he was done in eight years.”

Nah, Biden’s just too “old-fashioned.”

I really appreciate you mentioning the lackluster Internet infrastructure of rural areas. I live out in rural NC, and my Internet connection is always slow, sometimes to the point of barely being usable. There’s no way an all-digital or always-online console could be functional for my area. It’s nice to know that at

Like I said, if NC wasn’t gerrymandered to hell (which the Supreme Court is discussing currently), then it wouldn’t be an issue.

I’m just saying if I ran a platform that was utilized to sexualize children, I wouldn’t want to continue being involved in it, or continue allowing it to exist if I was its owner or operator. If you’d be cool with that, you do you.

As someone intimately familiar with NC’s 9th district, a large portion of the Democratic voters I know there would have voted for AOC if she ran in the district. McCready is only worried about winning Republican votes. This wouldn’t even be an issue for him if NC wasn’t gerrymandered to fucking hell.

Democrats only care about winning Republican votes- they don’t give a shit about the Democrats who vote for them.

You’re probably right. I just feel like I would be morally disgusted with myself if I played any part in aiding the sexualization of children and would try to stop playing a part in it.

I’m guessing the only way Omid is a victim of porn is that he consumes it compulsively. It’s the classic “I have a problem with something, so it’s a problem for everyone.” Or the classic “Women are doing something that I can’t control, and they must be stopped.”

Not to stereotype, but this seems more like something a dude would do.

That’s a super hyperbolic reading of my comment. When there’s a high percentage of misuse occurring, products get pulled. That’s why you don’t see the roses in glass vials sold at gas stations (or at least they aren’t around my area any more), they were being used by a shit ton of people as crack pipes. You’re

But that’s the rub: These are issues that almost exclusively arise as a result of the very platforms on which they exist.

I was gonna post a similar sentiment. If all of these crazy ass teachers were actually concerned with teaching a lesson and building empathy, they would only make the white kids go through this shit.

This dude has some serious power and control issues. It sounds like his issues with porn aren’t thinking that it’s immoral as much as being furious that he can’t control it and the women who perform in it. He’d be taking men’s accounts down with just as much zeal if he truly had a moral issue with porn (which wouldn’t

Awww, it was really sweet that skullrobot’s wife pushed him to get the Dissidia trophies. It sounds like she knows how much gaming means to him and is supportive of that.

I feel like I recall reading years ago about a message board full of people (mostly women IIRC) who were like super stans of Klebold and Harris. Still don’t think they were totally cool with the whole murder part of it though.
