
It really needs to be accompanied with an adjustment to the FPL (and the percentages used to qualify for aid). If it’s not, nobody with any full-time job will be able to be on most gov’t assistance. I’d love for all full-time workers to not need extra aid, but that ain’t gonna be the case, even at $15/hr. $15 minimum

Any motherfucker voting for Moore is scared shitless of the day their victims step forward to reveal multiple instances of sexual abuse. They wanna get him in there before it happens to help their chances in the eventual court case. Guarantee it.

I’m calling it: People who use the devices will get 30 years in prison. People who make, import, and sell the devices may get some mild scolding.

Jesus fuckin christ. Welcome to the new only example you’re going to hear about every time a Republican talks about voter fraud.

Oh man. I love the main boss fights, but O’Rin was a standout for me. I like that some of the mini-bosses end up basically becoming normal late-game enemies. Makes the entire end very very very fun and also upsettingly difficult.

That was my first thought too after the Great Ape poisoned me with a fart.

I would personally argue that, while this is a viable tactic, it’s nowhere near the only, nor the best/easiest route to take for the majority of bosses. If you experiment enough with different strategies and tools, you can find many different routes to beating bosses that at first only seemed do-able through the

It’s insane because in any other situation, a parent would be completely justified in defending their child from two adults attacking them. But put a badge on them, and suddenly two adults fuckin physically assaulting a kid is legal, and the parent gets arrested if they try to protect their kid. There’s no universe

Damn. I was thinking that’s the case. Well, the parents of that unvaccinated child should be very grateful that the rest of their child’s classmates are properly vaccinated.

I don’t know about anywhere else, but kids in NC have been mandated to receive a certain series of vaccines since the 90s at least. They required us to get them in school if our parents hadn’t already taken us to get them. I don’t know what happened if people elected not to, but there was also markedly less

I’m not sure that her constituents are being persuaded by the various smear attempts waged against her though. Republicans and centrist Dems definitely are, but I feel like the vast majority of people who voted for her belong to neither of those categories.

I truly believe that refusing to vaccinate your children should be an actionable CPS report. I mean shit, children can already be removed if parents neglect to get their child medical treatment for serious issues.

So I’m fairly young and not particularly well-traveled, but I never heard anything about religious objections to vaccines until 10 years ago or so. Was that even a thing before the anti-vax movement?

...quit whining about 9/11....

They’re just gonna bribe someone to do prison for them.

I’ve been trying to figure out what “Noho” means for a year now! I thought it was like “no ho’s” (a name i have seen on Instagram), but was delighted to discover it just means North Hollywood. I also live across the country from CA so I have no idea if that is what people actually call North Hollywood.

I’m just waiting for the next one to enter, whose entire platform will be “I’m only going to do good things, and I’m not going to do bad things!”

“There are three rules to survive... Don’t stand out...”

Ugh I know. I’m hoping at least the Jedi Knight mentor is interesting.

I’m betting they’re hitting the no-microtransaction angle pretty hard in response to Jason’s reporting. Still, it’s cool that this was in development as a single player non-service based game even before the recent round of EA news.