Wait till you see all the wacky situations Jack and Jar Jar Binks land themselves in!
Wait till you see all the wacky situations Jack and Jar Jar Binks land themselves in!
REAL good!
Is there another Falco??
Needs more Falco.
SCTV is on the air!
These guys are all just ripping off "Car 54, Where Are You?"
Age and a massively misinformed workout schedule takes a toll on everybody, eventually.
Do they still have that AVP of Areolae position open?
Don't get me started on those HBO hacks! Arli$$ and Entourage my ass!!
Well, we seem to have already gotten rid of that whole pesky "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" business.
So, what's the happening now?
This guy's got it all figured out.
Yet. Wait for the gritty reboot(ie).
Can't it, in our grand tradition, be two things?
I read this too fast and thought it was about Anson Williams.
Then you find that the ACA requires you to insure those babies, pricing you out of the game. Thanks Obama!1!!
Well, that's just super.
Can't we have one article here that doesn't end with the violation of a corpse?
She choo-choo-choosed him.
…is 47.