Vladimir Poutine

Circles are suppressive!!!


."..Church Of Scientology in an effort to protect Masterson, one of the church’s most prominent members."

Alabama drive-in says Jesus doesn’t want them.

Gimme a break.

Go ahead. Touch the inside of that hat. I dare you.

Maybe if he had brought the governor a delicious Kit Kat bar?

It's a fair cop.

Your loss.

Some issues are beyond the scope of even Hot Topic.

Have some respect and call them by their proper name, breasticles!

They're real and they're spectacular.

I make my own gravy…


Fake post.

I have to wash Dave Mustaine's hair.

Those low rise jeans are gonna give me a muffin top that sags down to my knees, but ok. Thanks HT!

But I've already invested so much in my existing horrible clothes…

So let's dance!
*Rodney Dangerfield turns up Journey, boogies down*

And business will be bad.