Vladimir Poutine

He's trying to throw a $5K house party?? Better get Kid n' Play in to event plan, Dave.

Their best stuff, maybe. But their music output was terrible.

Who are those pleasant old men?

They need to unionize.

He even supplied a horse with no name.

Free lance villainy is a lucrative, but very tough to break into, profession.

Tom also holds the Eve-6 chair of balloon doggie studies at Achem University.

"Off to screen left, I'm sure I saw Marissa Tomei giggling and flipping off the Price Waterhouse guys…."

I'm not on it either. In case you were wondering.

Until Dave Matthews sings about them, they mean nothing to me.

Ants only.

Bad hombre.

You know they will!!!

The Schemmys?

Finally, we're level-setting on this site!

I like my Flocks with seagulls only.

If you're Sebastian Shaw, yes.

The ANNIE Awards?

It's like Wal Mart, without the freakish characters.

He once wore a tuxedo before 6 pm. Or so the legend goes.