Vladimir Poutine

Yes, but then they come back as Hayden Christiansen surrounded by a blue haze.

I am sensing a great disturbance in the media bias of this post.

How about if they're visited by 3 ghosts? If TV has taught me anything, it's that old men DO get less cranky and hateful when visited by 3 ghosts.

Their dumbness goes to 11.

Not enough of them!!!

Could these people BE any dumber?!

This show has main characters?

Is there some sort of subtle theme here?

No, "Grease" is the word.

Donde esta me fritata?

I feel deflated.

I was saying that before it was cool.

I never voted for Mickey's dog!

My disqus was not making sense, but i think it's fixed.

Why is every regulation that applies to wealthy corporations "onerous" and every one that applies to me "patriotic duty"?

and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


One, but not the other.

Keep a good thought.

With every Purge, the plot gets thinner.