Vladimir Poutine

I love this bit exactly for this reason - I can drink AT HOME on a Sunday morning. I try to explain this to Vladette - why do I want to get up early, power through Saturday night's regret, shower, shave, and go out into a brutal (not so far this year) New England January morning when I can be warm and fully flannelled

I don't know many, but I know Won.

Let's go to Brunch. What a great idea! Why would you want to sleep in on a Sunday when you can go pay $18 for eggs? Now, you're thinking.

Oh, I have had it, I have had it with your AV Club concerts, Skinner! The low test scores, class after class of ugly, ugly children!

How many likes is the love of christ worth to you?

What have you been doing with that hand??

I don't get it.

'Cause he had one hand in her pocket / and the other one is taking the last five…

I think they spent more on reformatting and extras than the budget of the original film.

That seems complicated.

Your mom?

Not just a Dane, but a great Dane!

Now I have to step away from my pervy comments to say that Ruth Wilson does have the kind of intense stare that would work for the character.

it's been taken down to 2/day.

That was…detailed.

They are welcome to try out as well. It's a large shed.

Twitter wants to know the results of that varicose vein surgery before it commits itself.

By a large margin, the most prevalent response was "Cocks Cocks Cocks!!1!"

We all knew this would happen, but we didn't know Wen.

Anime…on the other hand, anime not.