Vladimir Poutine

Will they finally include a Beach Boys cover of Smurfin' USA in the soundtrack?

And they say there are no good roles for women in Hollywood.

Netflix, Amazon, Hulu…as long as the stolen password works.

A Principality, not an angel.

Can I suggest casting Karen Gillan as War? Auditions will be held in the shed in back of my house.


Jethro Tull is getting the Jethro Tull award? That's metal, dude.

Neat. Will any musicians be in attendance?

If I went crazy, would you still call me Superman?

Aren't they?

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single misstep.

Upvoted for spelling.

No, his street cred returned after 3 days.

It's your cross to bear.

The hole point.

"Basically, it seems like it’s planning to do for dogs what movies like God’s Not Dead do for Jesus."

Those were the ashes of Cousin Larry Garcia. You got scammed, son!

I wonder if Jerry Garcia is actually grateful at this point.

Through the eternal and universal medium of Dance!