Vladimir Poutine

Cthulhu 'n' Me

I pity the poor detective tasked with eventually digging up your basement.

Hi, I'm Sean O'Neill. Care to sign up for AV Club notifications on your phone or smart device?

No, that's a hippopopatamus.

Is this the one from Disney with the ballerina elephants?

We will call it "Bad Grandma".

I'm on it.


See, told you it wouldn't last!

Paramount will sue itself for copyright infringement and make millions!

Technically, bestiality.

…Rasta-Mon-Opoly, Galip-olopoly, Edna Krabappoly…

That is an absolute falsehood!


How 'bout the heroic quotes? Will they get equal play?

So they ret-conned the cheesecake?

Thank you for being a…oh…

So, you're in hell?

Wildfires reported in southern California west of the Slauson cutoff.
-Zombie Johnny Carson

In her speech, she could sum it all up as "What a way to make a living."