Vladimir Poutine

You ruin everything. There, that's it…the only 2 shows I know exist from TruTv.

Billy, don't be a hero.

What's this about your needs?

It's the sequel to Harvest of Shame, showing the plight of migrant Orion onion farmers. It will have you crying in your romulan ale.

More interesting, Putin has a part time job working from home earning 82K rubles a year writing copy for Trump Resorts. After only 1 month last month, he bought a used Toyota Camry.

Derp derp di derp!

Should've just posted this!

An entire LP of Jeffrey Dahmer singing "Aida" in a high falsetto? What's not to love?

James S. Sherman's Chemotherapy?

Eddie Murphy as Richard Pryor certainly would.

So does my grandpa. How come he doesn't get a record deal?

Nowhere nearly as incendiary as "Richard Pryor's Creek."

That guy is hiring only the best , gold and diamond encrusted hookers. They are the best, everyone says so.

Thank you, tea house owning cat fancier for explaining middle America to me.

Yes, always.

You seem like fun.

Was it clowns? I don't really remember and refuse to watch that thing again…and it's not like anyone researches at the AV Club!

That's impossible!

That's no way to refer to your President!

Needs a hashtag to bring it all together.