
You work for IASA? How is that Project “Farscape” thing we’ve been hearing about getting on?

True. And the Mercury and Saturn dealers have closed.


Don’t ask me silly questions

So $2600+$854 for depreciation and interest on loan equals $3454. That means you had reliable transportation (a necessity for your job aka your income) for four years at $863/year. I’m ignoring maintenance and insurance, because those costs have nothing to do with the loan. Also, buying used means you saved money on

Good call! In grade school there was an old graduating class photo in one of the hallways featuring an S. Tripper. I still remember this, more than twenty years later.

Fixed that for you. But I still love your passion at taking on large projects with little resources or time and somehow making it work (mostly).

Don’t you put that evil on me!

While I normally refuse to entertain any discussions of a third kid (don’t want to curse myself with a 3rd), my top choices are Stirling (wife hates the name, though), Kimi, or Sebastian (most likely one). Alain was also a possibility, but not sure if we could handle the sibling rivalry there that we would be setting

How about we just assume propeller propulsion for the thought experiment?

“You have to be a fucking moron to let a casino go bankrupt.”

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Relevant Penny Arcade is Relevant.

Doesn’t that line basically just sum up the entirety of how The Big Bang Theory treats nerdy culture. Takes something deep and interesting and transforms it to its most lowest common denominator joke for the masses to laugh at. It’s why the series is so hated in a nutshell.

You have no idea how easy this would have made my life in the Navy.

STI’s power steering pump moans like a B list porn star.

You’d have better luck with the Chinooks you posted than a Huey.

I love that you’ve managed to capture maneuvering thrusters firing from one of the fairing halves post-separation. I don’t believe I’ve seen that before in anybody’s launch photos or videos.

This came back home from my son Otto’s first-grade class. It was a Thanksgiving assignment, where he had to write what he was thankful for.