Huh. I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe it’s time to get my CDL.
Huh. I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe it’s time to get my CDL.
You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel...
uBlock Origin is your friend. Select element, block, and forget, my friend.
For the past few years, I’ve held a dark secret: while my colleagues scrambled to learn about the all-new 2018 Jeep…
I had a lot of the worries you do when i started 3 years ago. The coaches and “culture” of a specific box makes a huge difference. I started at a gym that was very good for me as an office rat that needed to fight the back pain i was getting from sitting at the computer all day. That gym got sold to a couple of former…
We all have fantastic dreams of sweet drifts, jumps and donuts after watching one of Ken Block’s Gymkhana videos,…
Such a steadfast follower that you haven’t felt the need to contribute to the rabble that is Kinja since 2013?
Welcome back to Burning Questions, the column where we ask the health questions that you wish an expert would answer…
Simmer down now, kid.
Amazon, there are 41 Discworld books. You could be adapting them until the heat death of the universe.
Never autocrossed a car with a bench seat, ehh? The arm out the door isn’t for chilling, its to hold him in the car.
It’s a fifty spot shy of $2,500 with AWD and seats 6 with a curb side sliding door or take out the seats and it can haul massive quantities of stuffs... NP what’s not to like? Winter’s coming, get a friend, quit your job, drive out West and live that dream of being ski bums, living out of the back of a van and…
It isn’t hard. I’m not depriving myself of anything. A huge part of it is you have to decide you’re giving up sugar.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this... if only america can drop pistols from schools, restaurants, malls, libraries, and FUCKING EVERYWHERE ELSE that would be great, thanks....
As a black man living in America, I feel the NFL protests appropriately draw attention to one of America’s gravest race-based sins at a venue that makes it uncomfortably difficult for those either apathetic to or complicit in it to ignore.
It started with the Gulf War, when all the hippy boomers wanted to make up for spitting on vets coming back from Vietnam and wash their sins away.
That is one helluva response.
The old Dodge was such a fixture in the neighborhood that one particularly awful person named his or her wireless…