
The other name for Dad Voice is Command Voice. A useful skill to have when directing 80 people to walk in a straight line while looking at the ground, or while discussing with a junior Marine why his lack of shave due to not getting a haircut makes zero sense, and that he is an utter moron.

Glad I’m not the only one who saw that.

Wiley bastards, those jackalopes.

Not scholarly, but my understanding is that JFK’s hat habits could be sourced as the “Beginning of the end” for being hatted.

I will say this from my first time experience using it in a smoothie. It is easy to think of the cooked rice as something that’ll be soft after it is frozen.

Strain out the rice, freeze it, throw it in smoothies.

Aye! I did some Rust Bustin’ on the Jarhead side of NAVAIR. I too enjoyed the job. The hardest part about it was finishing up a bird and watching it go in to Phase or 56 day a week later. Stupid grease monkeys jacking up my panels! Greasing up my hard work! Stripping every gorram fastener!

Sonofabitch! The one I paid $24 dollars more for was literally just delivered.

Sonofabitch! The one I paid $24 dollars more for was literally just delivered.

Yay. I’ll go ahead and start work on crackhead proofing urine and vomit soaked cardboard.

Excellent work! I think I feel a bit of your pain: I’m a design engineer working on upfitting equipment for mostly LEO vehicles. My world has the joy of adding the actual customer to the equation, to whom their sales rep has promised that we can indeed put a weapon vault, computer mount, refrigerator, soda machine,

What could go wrong? What would’ve happened if it went right?

Mud Island... that’s been a day or two ago for me.

Although, um, the Arkansas River happens to run through Little Rock.

Holy shit IT IS SO TRUE! I never thought of the library that way. Now I cannot unsee it.

Might I recommend partaking of Little Rock’s burgeoning craft beer scene. Stone’s Throw is a personal favorite. Rebel Kettle (and no, it isn’t a rebel flag waving idiot) makes some odd brews and Lost 40 has a pretty good large production going. There are others, but that’s my top 3.

Gravity is a bitch. The more you put in the air, the more energy you need, the more stuff you have to put in the air. This POV system shouldn’t be too much of a draw once it is spinning to speed, given half-assed efficient motors and decent bearings.

After a little research, I’ve found some information about it. I was also in the Toulon area that deployment, so I might have gotten my cities mixed.

No more gray! No more gray!

I have no idea what they are actually called, but when I ported in Marseille in 2006, there were all these street vendors serving what we jardheads dubbed “Smashed Sandwiches.”

At least it isn’t the drum line to Velcro Fly.